type directors club - exposition typographique internationale - 15 mars > 26 avril - type directors club - exposition typographique internationale - 15 mars > 26 avril - type directors club - exposition typographique internationale - 15 mars > 26 avril -
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Unbowed Design Exhibition

The Unbowed Design Exhibition is the annual review of a Chinese design firm. The fact that the design works are hanging from the ceiling gives the word “unbowed” special significance and conveys the designers’ attitude toward their designs. The brand promotion for the exhibition was characterized by brightly colored, geometrical shapes with the aim of giving the beholder a pleasant visual experience. A mascot was designed that combines the two animal signs of the Chinese zodiac from 2017 and 2018. The mascot has a dog’s head and a rooster’s body. Additionally, an exclusive exhibition bank note was designed, which served as an entrance ticket.

Unbowed Design Exhibition TDC ECV
Unbowed Design Exhibition TDC ECV
Unbowed Design Exhibition TDC ECV
Unbowed Design Exhibition TDC ECV

Mingjie Chen
Jiong Li
Shenzhen, China

Art Direction
Jiong Li

Design Firm
Shenzhen Designdo Vertical Design Co., Ltd.

Principal Type

27.6 x 39.4 in.
(70 x 100 cm)

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Internal Stair Wayfinding

The promotion of the use of stairs as a preferred method of vertical movement, rather than using elevators, is a meaningful way to improve individual health while decreasing the corporate energy footprint. Working closely with a large technology company in New York, we designed this playful yet thoughtful typographic wayfinding system as part of a larger strategy that encourages employees to take the stairs.

Internal Stair Wayfinding TDC ECV
Internal Stair Wayfinding TDC ECV

Lauren Blalock
Zahra Bukhari
Brandon Cannon
Raquel Castro
Tyler Cheli
Jennifer Choi
Jean Colangelo
Pilar Freire
Britney Johnson
Anna-Kari Lejon
Melina MacFarlane
Scott McManus
Mackenzie Palma
Nico Raddatz
Ed Ryan
Lindsey Shive
Mayuko Soga
Lynnae Strait
Rayna Weingord
Lisa Weltman
Stephanie Wilkins
Carla Zorrilla
New York

Art Direction
Lauren Blalock

Creative Direction
Graham Hanson
Nico Raddatz

Design Firm

Undisclosed Tech Client


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On Being a Factory Worker

This exhibition was created for the Anderson Gallery at Virginia Commonwealth University. It was designed to create an immersive typographic and visual environment in order to remind viewers/consumers of the gap between production and consumption, and to shed light on the lives of factory workers in China who have often been ignored and misrepresented. The idea was to imitate and reconstruct a visual landscape that is (un)consciously anti-designed.

Design and Art Direction
Yixue Li°
New York


The Anderson Gallery

Principal Type
Helvetica Neue
Lantinghei with alterations

240 x 168 in.
(6.1 x 4.3 m)

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DFT (Design for Taiwan) Exhibition

“Unbox Your Thinking” is the topic of choice for the first Design for Taiwan Social Design Exhibition. Through this exhibition, issues regarding care for the underprivileged, technology education, and social services have been fully conveyed. With “Breaking Through Boundaries” as the core concept of the overall design, the LED lights and supple iron outlines combine to present the exhibition arena in a hasty, industrialized tone. It’s the perfect setting for showcasing students’ innovative, boundary-breaking works.

DFT (Design for Taiwan) Exhibition TDC ECV
DFT (Design for Taiwan) Exhibition TDC ECV

Yan-Ting Chen
Chia-Chi Kuo

Design Firm
NTUST Architecture
Creep Design

Flytech Co., Ltd.

Principal Type
Custom (LED lights and black iron outlines)
Punavuori 00150 (based on rounded sans serif fonts)

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Who We Are: Visualizing NYC by the Numbers

The 2020 Census is of critical importance to New York City, particularly given the threat of an undercount among minority and undocumented populations. The Museum of the City of New York invited Isometric to collaborate on an exhibition that leverages the work of leading artists to translate Census data into an interactive, immersive experience. We created typographic language that captures the flow of data while humanizing the stories it embodies, symbolizing the part-whole relationship between individuals and the city. The design can be deployed in traditional physical styles, such as the large screen-printed title, as well as animated digitally.

Hannah Meng
New York

Design Director
Eleni Agapis

Andy Chen
Waqas Jawaid

Architectural Design
Yongkyu Hong

Elena Kim



Design Firm
Isometric Studio

Museum of the City of New York

Principal Type
Proto Grotesk
Suisse Intl Mono

16.2 x 10.75 ft.
(4.9 x 3.3 m)

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This was designed and painted for the city of Jackson, Michigan, as a reminder to take a moment out of the day for yourself and to just relax. The three-dimensional approach creates a sense of intrigue and keeps the viewer looking for longer—and, in turn, forces the viewer to relax and take in the moment.


Artist and Designer
Ben Johnston


Bright Walls

Principal Type

40 x 60 ft.
(12.2 x 18.3 m)

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Love is one of the four pillars that the Novi Sad Foundation focuses on. I was invited to create a mural in one of the city’s community spaces to help add some positive messaging and vibrancy to the neighborhood.


Artist and Designer
Ben Johnston


Novi Sad Foundation

Principal Type

40 x 25 ft.
(12.2 x 7.6 m)

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Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV
Flip Flip TDC ECV

Boram Jang
Jungwook Kim

Design Firm

Art Direction
Jungwook Kim

Sunhyuck Kim

Production Manager
Hyunin Lee

Exhibition Producer
Yeji Lee
(Korea Arts & Culture Education Service)

Space Design
Ara Ko

Seungchul Jeon
Haesu Jung
Minwoo Kim
Jonghan Park
Jungmin Seol

Script Editors
Hyunin Lee
Jisu Lee

Sangtae Kim

Suyeon Kim
Yongwoo Kim

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Must Société Mural

The mural creation aimed to identify and enhance Must Société. The typographic and chromatic choices and the different scales harmonize with the other physical elements of the store. The execution was done in an artisanal way so as to highlight the permanent effect of the installation and the quality of it.

Must Société Mural TDC ECV
Must Société Mural TDC ECV

Creative Direction
Louis Gagnon
Daniel Robitaille


Design Firm

Principal Type

Must Société

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SVA Welcome Center Mural

SVA commissioned designer Pablo Delcan to create an environmental graphic for the college’s Welcome Center. The center houses many of the college’s administrative departments, including Admissions. It’s a place where both prospective and current students visit, and the content of the artwork reflects that. Dozens of students, alumni, teachers, administrators, and others were asked to complete the phrase “Art is ___.” The results were arranged on a vinyl adhesive 8 feet, 9 inches high by 24 feet, 5 inches wide and installed on an interior wall of the center. The results are a whimsy of words and symbols offering inspiration to passersby.

Pablo Delcan
New York

Executive Creative Director
Anthony P. Rhodes

Creative Direction
Gail Anderson°

Design Director
Brian E. Smith

Sheilah Ledwidge

Design Firms
Delcan & Co.
Visual Arts Press, Ltd.


School of Visual Arts, New York°

Principal Type
Franklin Gothic Condensed
Plantin Std Bold Condensed

24.4 x 8.75 ft.
(7.4 x 2.7 m)

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