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Metropolink Urban Art Festival TDC ECV

Metropolink Urban Art Festival

More than fifty international artists turned public walls into artworks at the annual Metropolink Urban Art Festival in Heidelberg and the surrounding area. The posters were designed with a text-heavy attitude to be noticed quickly in public spaces and to relate themselves to street art. Based on these, the large typography is a central corporate design element. The flyers are printed with various motifs by artists or festival locations. A variety of colors are used throughout the festival communication to symbolize the diversity of urban art. In addition, the KK Pixelscript specially designed for the festival by Francesco Futterer was used extensively.

Art Direction, Design, and Photography
Francesco Futterer
Heidelberg, Germany

Creative Direction
Markus Artur Fuchs
Patrick Hubbuch


KontextKommunikation GmbH

Pascal Baumgärtner, Metropolink Urban Art Festival

Principal Type
KK Pixelscript


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