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Sets Sets Sets TDC ECV

Sets Sets Sets

sets.raoulgottschling.de was created as a platform to showcase personal and professional passion projects within a single medium. It combines DJ sets that were recorded over the past five years but never shared outside a small circle and type sketches that were collecting dust in drawers and digital folders. This is an interactive type specimen that also showcases music or a playlist that also showcases type. In many ways, music and typography speak a similar language. Developing both outside a commercial environment allowed for a deeply ingenious approach.

Sets Sets Sets TDC ECV
Sets Sets Sets TDC ECV
Sets Sets Sets TDC ECV

Type Design and Layout
Raoul Gottschling
New York and Berlin

Marco Land

PLANETZ (Sven Dübbers and Raoul Gottschling)


Design Firm
Raoul Gottschling

Principal Type
Kurve Grotesk
La Nord
La Nord Serif

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