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gta papers 2: WAR ZONES TDC ECV

gta papers 2: WAR ZONES

These days, academic journals have grown to bulky proportions. But does this have to mean heavyweight design? Well, yes, it does, because the layout informs the hasty viewer about the serious, challenging nature of the articles. Design here isn’t about glossing over or dumbing down—it’s about added attraction. The form is worthy of the content.

gta papers 2: WAR ZONES TDC ECV

Art Direction
Dominik Bissem
Carolin Himmel
Christian Lindermann
Andreas Uebele


Design Firm
büro uebele visuelle kommunikation

gta Verlag
ETH Zürich
Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture
Department of Architecture

Principal Type
GT Eesti

8.3 x 11.7 in.
(21 x 29.7 cm)

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